Saturday, September 3, 2011

vegan lunch

My son is in band and there is an away football game tonight. When the game is away the band booster club (with the parent's money) has a meal catered in. It is lovely. No stress for mom. I did get to serve at one last year and it involves about 300 kids. They have until 4:15 to eat. NO EATING allowed once they are in uniform. So they do not serve vegan meals. So I have to come up with something for him for tonight. No beans or hummus since they made him feel bad the last time he ate them and then marched.
This is what I came up with;

Vegan wrap

wrapper (bread)
lentil soup (just a tablespoon dipped and drained from a can of soup)
green beans cooked his favorite way (fried with garlic and almonds)
spicy seasonings (Tony's)

He said, 'great, thanks, Mom.'

1 comment:

Sue Bridges said...

I like the sound of that very tasty and something that would work well for a lunchtime snack at work. I am trying our some recipes at the moment, as hubby wants to try vegetarian meals (not sure how long that will last for though).