In the evenings I like to knit. I also pick up my knitting when I get tired. I pick up knitting when someone is here to visit with. Last week I even knitted during church to keep myself awake since I was on some medication than would have had me sleeping. I knit during seminary and while I wait... for kids, for doctors, (I complained last week at my Gyn, I didn't even get to sit down in the waiting room...I was looking forward to some time to knit) etc. I even picked up my knitting at a red light and got a few stitches in. So I have hat # 4, 5, & 6 to show you.
Here is a boring gray hat; actually I love the pattern,
hurricane, that I found here. I knit this because I was going somewhere that I could knit and I had this leftover I started a new project.

Is it odd that I would not start the project I was excited about until I finished the previous hat? I don't feel that way about quilting or cleaning? So I knit the previous hat 1.5 times before I got to start the RED gnome hat for Austin, a 4 year old grandson. You can find the pattern for these 2
hats here. The pattern calls for leftover yarn, which I have very little of, I bought the bulky yarn and used all of the red but have a bit of gray left over, so need to make another of these hats with blue? and gray strips...or yellow and gray... Help me out here tell me what you would prefer. I will have some time to knit next week, I predict hours and hours of knitting, WHAT WILL I DO?

This hat is for Austin's little brother. I read that this hat should take about 2 hours to knit...I must be slow since it took me 2 days to do each gnome hat.

Now I'm worried that grandsons will have hat envy. I don't know if I should try to get 3 more gnome hats made by Thursday....(I figure the 2 year old won't care what his hat looks like, but I could be wrong there.) So do you think a 4 year old would prefer the above hat or this one?

Should I try to get the 5 year old and 8 year one?...oh the worries of a grandmother.
The hats all look fantastic. I really like the hurricane hat. Isn't that the one you planned for Eric? I think he will like it.
I also sit and knit while I watch a couple news shows at night. I toss the hats in boxes to give to a homeless shelter when the weather gets bad. I think I did over 100 hats this last fall. I really like that Hurricane hat pattern so I have "borrowed" it :D
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