Wednesday, May 28, 2008

new challenges

I'm recovering nicely from my surgery. Of course my incisions still hurt but only if I lean on something. I went for a walk Monday and that was harder than I expected but I'm sure that will get better too.

The boys went swimming a week ago and I got a good look at Jeffrey's chest. That was clearly something wrong so we did some google search and found that he has Pectus excavatum, or a sunken chest. I took him to his pediatrician today and he also has some scolioses (curvature of the spine), he will be seeing a specialist next week. Jeffrey says someone at a swim party last October asked him about his chest. I just looked at some old pictures and his chest looked fine 2 years ago but I could find no pictures taken last summer without a shirt...

So, we'll see...

1 comment:

Angela S said...

Dude that is slightly scary. Give him our best, and good luck taking care of everything.