Now the 10 year old and 12 year old take turns making all our bread. We have been making all our bread for about 15 years. When there were 4 children at home and they all packed their own lunches we went through 2 loaves of bread a day. Brian made a loaf before he went to school and before he went to bed in our first bread machine. Before that I made it sporadically, in fact when our first child was born (1978) her labor was 'induced' by putting the bread on the floor (in a large bowl) to knead it, since I couldn't reach it on the table. I guess the scrunching of my body broke my water...well maybe it was time anyway :-)
This is the recipe I have posted near the bread machine:
water-12 ounces
salt-1/2 Tablespoon
olive oil-2 Tablespoons (we have a spout that measures it, so they just tip it over)
oatmeal-1/2 cup
whole wheat flour-1 cup (we grind our own wheat and keep it in a bag in the refrigerator)
flour-2 1/2 cups
dry milk-3 Tablespoons
yeast-2 1/2 teaspoons
sugar-2 Tablespoons (we like to use honey instead but I hate to measure it.)
(I really should have taken a picture of what the counter looks like after he measures everything...on the other hand maybe I don't want to remember.) I keep most of the stuff all together so it easier to make; Brian had it down to 2 1/2 minutes; Andrew takes about 30 minutes :P
Andrew made a loaf last Sunday before church so as soon as we got home they had a slice or 2 of bread and then I worked on dinner. Their favorite way to eat it is to fix a dip with olive oil, salt and garlic powder. They love it and if they don't make it we just wait to eat until I can get something fixed. I love when the consequence's of their disobedience doesn't have to be manipulated by me.
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