Monday, January 7, 2008

snow fort

This is my oldest son on one of those 'sheet of thick plastic' sleds. This was taken at the park in Idaho Falls Christmas Day. The 'boys' went sledding. Granddad, Dad, and some big and a little boy (Roger, Reed, Jeffrey, Andrew and Tyler). Later that evening they added Ryan to the mix and spent a couple hours building this fort;
That's Jeffrey and Reed standing on the walls of the fort. The next day the neighbors asked if they had gotten a building permit. I'd like to know if it is still there.
Here is Tyler crawling through 'his door' and Andrew throwing a snowball. The fort was built by packing snow between 2 boards and then watering it down so they became ice. It will be the last thing to thaw this spring!
(Notice Tyler's mittens. After playing in the snow for at least an hour he came in and I checked his fingers; they were barely cool. So hand knit, felted wool mittens were worth it.)

1 comment:

Angela S said...

Thats funny about the permits. I'd not heard that. Yep it is still there in all its glory!