Monday, February 17, 2014

men's shirts

I have been buying men's shirts for a few years but recently pulled them out of my 'stash' and gave them their own shelf.
After I took this picture I got down on the floor and found 14 more shirts in the lower shelves of my stash wall so I had to take the 2 shoe boxes and fill that space with shirts also. I actually blogged about them here last September. Now I am getting closer to actually using them. :)
Tanya wants to do an exchange so I'm thinking about it. I made a Pinterest board of possible quilts. As you can tell I am not bothered by sticking to a certain style, which makes it difficult to decide.
  • shirt boxes
  • churn dash
  • pinwheel
  • my crazy stripes (already started)
  • just long strips
What should I do?
Meanwhile I have about 7 shirts to cut up and put on my shelf.

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