German restaurant; we really don't like German food, we were not tempted to eat there again..besides not having any time.
Natural Bridge Cavern; The cave were a great work out; going downhill then back up. I took pictures but they were all very low quality. Here's one of the bridge;
Luckily I took my walking sticks and used them through out. The second tour, of a different cave, I backed out of and Roger borrowed on of my sticks to use. One of the sites was named 'pincushion' I would have liked to see that..or even checked out the post cards for it but I didn't hear about it until we were in the car driving back to town.
Canopy Challenge; The boys got to get on the Canopy Challenge and use their zip line (2 zips ) then 30 minutes of climbing on the high rise tightropes, bridges, etc. They really enjoyed it.Roger and I got kinks in our necks watching them.
Outlet mall; We had enough time one evening to visit the local outlet mall and get Jeffrey some white shirts, and shoes for his mission. Roger got some new tennis shoes (badly needed) and Andrew got some new shirts for school. Oh, and I got a pr of sandals.
Water park, schlitterbaun; Wonderful but no pictures! We did not take a camera into the park. We left everything in the car; then thought we locked it. We came back 9 hours later and it was unlocked but had not been disturbed. We were blessed. The park is divided into the old and new sections. They use the water from the river so it is not clear sparkling pool water, but it is fresh, cool, water. The rides were fun and just floating was great too. We were worn out when we got done. We got there when it opened at 10 and left when it closed at 7. We took our own food in and had hummus, fruit and water. We all would like to go again.
Natural Bridge Ranch; We figured that we could do this on Wednesday morning and still get home by 6:30 PM (Jeffrey had an appointment).
Fun morning.
Quilt Shop; We had just enough time to go to one of their quilt shops, a leather shop, where we found whips,
and a Italian lunch spot before heading back to Houston. We made it just a few minutes before 6:30.
We are still resting up from our vacation! I hope we go back.We did not get to float the river or canoe the river. There are many other things to do in the area...I did not get to visit both quilt shops!
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