Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Show and Tell

Last night was Lakeview Quilt Guild. It was worth getting there and it wasn't easy. With one car in the shop and marching band for Jeffrey and open house for Andrew picking Roger up from his carpooling and getting a ride...I was tempted to stay home.
I needed to take care of the last of retreat stuff and NEEDED to see the slides of Nancy Mahoney's quilts plus the dozen she brought to see and touch. Pictures are never as good as the real thing and seeing the pictures and then the real thing really shows the difference.
We were asked to bring scrap quilts to show....I thought this was scrappy enough to qualify. Everyone made a big deal of this quilt which was very nice. Here is the speaker, Nancy and I looking at it.

Thanks to Karen for snapping this picture and sending it to me.

It's raining today and I have 2 more charity quilt to quilt today, so I better get busy.

1 comment:

Karen E. Overton said...

It was a great guild meeting! I too had to struggle to get there, but knew I'd love it because I love Nancy's designs and I love scrap quilts. The photo doesn't do justice of your beautiful quilt! 3000+ triangles? Love it love it love it!