Saturday, December 8, 2007

lay my 817 to rest

After a day full of activities it should be easy to write a blog....
I finished my contribution to Becky's quilt. My old reliable Bernina 817 is not working well and I don't have the money to fork out $135 for a walking foot on my newer 1630 model. I've used my 817 for 31 years. The paint is worn off the center front. I took it to the shop and spent quit a bit of money on it and they said it worked but still made a noise. They were right it works but the thread keeps breaking, jamming and that makes it an altogether frustrating experience sewing on it :( I went and looked around the Internet and was surprised to find that my 1630 is considered the older form of Bernina, I still consider it my new machine. (I've had it 10 years, and I bought it gently used.) It has never been used much because I didn't know where it's 1/4 inch mark was. I had to figure it out and it wasn't hard at all.
My Webelos walked in the annual Christmas parade today but I forgot the camera.
I made Running withTweezers' cranberry upside down cake. Yummy, and my boys liked it.
Andrew and I wrapped about 8 presents today.
Jeffrey worked on the write up for his science fair project...have I told you how much I LOVE science fair? NOT
DH got a new leaf blower! My front porch got cleaned off! The yard got mowed and trimmed! The pool got ready for our trip. Nothing else is ready but the pool is ready!
I bought a present for ds 10 this evening and my dh later tole me that he had one for him already. This is a shock. This has NEVER happened before. Then he sat down and ordered ds12 presents. I considered getting a thermometer. Wow!


Angela S said...

Thats cool that R is so on the ball! I still haven't gotten a list from the boys of books they want. Or other gift ideas. Could you sit them down today so I can shop for them? Thanks!

Mel said...

hi momma. I havn't been reading blogs lately.. I am so sad about the Bernina, your old reliable friend. I'll miss her.