Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Supper is ready

I came home from my meeting hungry for King Ranch Chicken. So I combined the contents of my refrigerator and got a delicious King Ranch like dish. Make sure you have the following leftovers first:
  • roasted onions, peppers, and garlic.
  • chicken breast
  • a bit of cream cheese
  • a bit of process cheese (I know WHEN have I ever had that in my fridge? Never.)
  • rice
  • salsa
So good. I used up all of the above leftovers except for the onions and peppers, that will be served separately since the boys don't like them. I made enough for supper and my lunch. I'll serve it with a side of diced tomatoes and an avocado. Then heat up some green beans and supper is ready.

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