Saturday, November 1, 2008

long arm

For some reason I can't sleep....We bought a long-arm quilting machine. It will be delivered in about 6 weeks. So how many quilts can I get ready to quilt in 6 weeks since I'll need to practice on my own stuff for awhile. It looks a bit industrial (their home page has a pink one pictured; mine is not pink) but it works great and is built in Houston so getting parts and tech support will be a breeze. We spent 6 hours going over the 3 main ones I had looked at and this one. I hadn't even looked at it before today. 


Granny said...

I've never seen one of those brands but I know you're going to love it! Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations,You are so gonna love your purchase. If I were you.....I'd do some meal stockpiling so you won't have to waste your time cooking when you could be playing!!

Karen L