Monday, September 8, 2008

courthouse steps log cabin

This was a headache! No sewing and thinking about other things; one block bled into another, so the first row is the easiest; then it got progressively harder. This was a challenge our guild did with a bright orange/red/yellow/purple fabric. I still think mine turned out best. :). If you want to see the challenge fabric it's next to the yellow with black polka dots. I used it in 11 blocks. I had very few orange or purple fabrics so I called a lot of women in the guild and asked for a 1 1/2 inch strip of one of the colors; then I drove over and got it and used them.
The colors combined with the block pattern inspired by genealogical stories of trying to get records; 'but the courthouse burned' so it was impossible. so this is my first and only 'genealogical quilt'.

You'll notice that my quilts won over recipes in my label area. Looking through my old postings there are several postings with more than one quilt pictured; I won't make that mistake again.

1 comment:

Baby Boomer Grammy said...

I love seeing your quilts! They're all so beautiful. Jessica broke my sewing machine -- after it's fixed I've got to start a baby quilt. Quilting calms down my brain. It's been too long since I've done one.