Monday, August 18, 2008

pencil pouch

We have been unable to get on the internet for a week. I have felt like I live on an island since I get my news from the internet and the radio. Since the kids are home I don't listen to the radio when they are with me; I try to talk to them and listen to them. Since they can't get away from me in a moving vehicle and it's a good thing to communicate with your kids (even if they are talking about the wii.)

My Dad made the comment that my last several posts weren't very interesting to him; sewing and recipes... so I tried; we took the camera to the roller skating rink but Roger only took videos and I don't know how to post them. I considered taking a picture of Jeffrey mowing ;) but there was so much whining involved I knew Granddad wouldn't want to hear about that. Actually the whining was justified, he couldn't get the mower to work, neither could I, neither could Roger so we took it to the shop and got it fixed. Our 'new' mower now has another new part and it works so Jeffrey got the mowing done in record time this morning. :)

I made Jeffrey a new pencil bag; modeled off the old vinyl one from last year (he thinks it looks funny and is not sure he'll use it). I used a 22 inch zipper from my stash and left over denim from their curtains/drapes that I finished last week. (Hey, there'd be a picture but someone didn't clean up when I asked them to... )

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