Monday, July 28, 2008

jeffrey's quilt

This is the last posting that goes with the curtains that are now washed, folded and put away until I figure out what to do with them. I made this quilt; one of a pair...(Andrew's coordinating one is cut but not sewn) in 2001. It is a very nice quilt and unless you look at the back it doesn't really look like a juvenile quilt. Without planning it the plain blue squares just fit his name. That is why Andrew's is not made yet. I am a bit nervous about the plain square being exactly enough to quilt Andrew Benjamin Stone in. I've rearranged and planned it but did I do it right?

I realized that ALL the animals are upside down on the back..oh, yes that's so the child in the bed can see them right side up, right?

1 comment:

Liz Johnston said...

It looks so pretty hanging from the garage. sounds silly but I mean it. Looks really pretty.